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888-846-6939-Inventory set up of Sage 50 Canadian and relevant assistance

 If you establish an inventory list, it is going to be cumbersome task. One thing that is important is its setting up in a complete manner. It is crucial to set up the inventory in two areas. One of them is the accounting aspect of business and other Point of Sale.  


Creating the items


You have to cover the fundamentals of creating items in Sage 50. The second thing is the working of the inventory list with Point of Sale. You can get further knowledge of setting up the Sage Company file for the communication purposes from Sage 50 Technical Support Help Service and the assistance shall be satisfying. You can arrange the sales information in a systematic way for a single day than for the multiple days and cannot deny this important fact. With Sage 50, things about the world of accounting are going to be easy for you and shall not feel the stress the accountant used to have during early days. You can select the particular company for installation of sage 50 that permits the inventoried items.


Item creation or generation


In the Sage 50, you can create the item inside by the simple method. Go the Inventory and Services box and choose Inventory and Services. After adding inventory and services, you can see the Inventory and Services ledger. By the help of radial dial arrow, you can choose Type of Item. When you make use of the particular product in Sage 50 at the Point of Sale, it is actually an inventory product. The classification of the item shall be done in case custom field TYPE is not used. For further clarifications regarding this, can seek Sage 50 Technical Help Customer Support. The item code can be used at the Point of Sale and the length of the item code should not exceed 20 characters. If the length of the characters in the item code exceeds 20 characters, there shall be obstacle in the import. For the characters of the item code, you can fuse the numbers, letters or a fusion of the two.


Bar-coded item


It is relevant for you and also the advice from the experts that scanning of the barcode data is important in Sage 50. You can do it straight with Sage 50 without any kind of interference from any outside source. Put mouse on the cursor and shall do this in the Item Number field. After this, you can go for the scanning of the item. You shall have to be careful about one thing. You have to use the same scanner that was used at Point of Sale. Sage 50 Technical Service Phone Support Number clears doubt regarding this or any other conformation in case you want to.


Not bar-coded item


If the item is not bar-coded, you have to allocate the item number now and barcodes can be printed latter by the help of Wasp labeler. Here also, you have to again maintain that the characters of barcode should not exceed 20 when it comes to length. If the characters exceed in the item number, the length of the barcode shall increase after print out. If the length of the labels is considerably less like barcodes for jewelry, item shall be allocated to the key. The product number is a fusion of numbers and letters.  Afterwards, this shall be fixed to a button at the Point of Sale. In fact, it is a wonderful option in case you are operating the company dealing with the food operations and services.


 The print shall be for first twenty five characters on the receipt of the customer. The rest of the characters shall be sidelined. By regular sales price, you can find the default sales price. By the tax information, you can find whether the particular product or item can be subject to taxation or not at the Point of Sale. If you do not lay a non-taxable customer at the Point of Sale, the product shall not be subject to taxation in spite of the fact it is set as tax chargeable.


Generating the Custom fields


Custom fields are utilized for products inside Simply Accounting. You can find various benefits of the custom fields. Some of them are remote printing, bar coding, application of the sales discount for particular type of product. You have to generate custom fields inside Simply Accounting before they are utilized. For setting up of the company fields, you shall go to the company tab and choose settings. By this, you shall find the Settings Window. After going to the Inventory and Services, for the field 1, have to enter SKU. For the Field 2, enter CHOICES. For the Field 3, enter TYPE. When accomplished, type OK. Now custom fields are established and ready for new inventory items to be filled in.


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